Sponsor A Child


I love to draw!

  • Ghana Country

  • 9 Years Old Current Age

  • 3/20/2015 Birthday

Benjamin lives with his family in a house made of mud bricks in the Volta region of Ghana. They share facilities with other family members. Benjamin’s parents are petty traders, and their income is low and unstable. Benjamin loves to play football and his favorite subject is creative arts. Benjamin dreams of becoming at teacher in the future, and he needs assistance to continue his education.

Your sponsorship will help Benjamin in a big way! Through your sponsorship, you provide Benjamin with nutritious food, an education that will last a lifetime, and a team of people looking out for him. Benjamin will learn how much Jesus loves him - as you know, this is a life-changing message!

Gender: male


Sponsor Benjamin

You can sponsor Benjamin today, and provide hope for a brighter future for only $38 per month.