Sponsor A Child

Our Mission

Empowering the poor and marginalized in order to restore their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual identity.

Our Difference

We Support Indigenous Work

We believe the poor and marginalized are trapped in their situations as a result of dysfunctional spiritual, social, and physical dynamics. Our process to cultivate sustainable change starts by:

  • Identifying

    We begin by identifying and forming relationships with people who have a vibrant, personal Christian faith. These local leaders are integrated in the local church and support locally based programs.

  • Equipping

    We equip Christian leaders who are already serving in their own countries to help provide powerful local solutions that bring creative and sustainable change to both individuals and communities.

  • Sustaining

    After the leader is identified and equipped, that person is resourced to implement sustainable solutions that provide a thriving environment for the community.

Our Story

In the early 1970s, International Needs founder Ray Harrison attended a worldwide evangelism conference and left inspired by church leaders to create strategic change for worldwide ministry.

Ray's vision was simple. Rather than sending missionaries to foreign countries, Ray pictured an organization that would walk alongside Christian leaders who are already effectively ministering in their own countries and equip them with the means and resources to support and empower them to carry out their work in their communities. Through this vision, International Needs was born.

While many mission centric organizations have followed IN’s example since its foundation in 1974, Ray Harrison's vision was radical and transformed mission work as it was previously known.

Today, International Needs' worldwide partners seek God's guidance to develop ministry plans that are specific to each country and the local communities within it.

Because each community is unique, solutions are tailored to needs indicated from local leaders within each community. Ministry programs vary and are built upon a communicated need from our partners. International Needs USA is proud to work with local ministries serving in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Nepal, Philippines, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, Uganda, Vietnam, and Zambia.

Our Core Values

  • Faith

    We embody our Christian faith as the cornerstone principle of all we do at International Needs because it is by God's grace that we're able to do the work we do.

  • Commitment

    We commit to long term support of our programming within our partner countries and their leaders. We value the security and sustainability of our ongoing partnership.

  • Collaboration

    We strive to work relationally and in partnership with our country leaders, donors, churches, and corporate partners. We value the piece each of us provides in the transformation process.

  • Transformation

    We cultivate programs that create opportunities to individuals, families, and communities to grow spiritually, physically, and socially.

  • Empowerment

    We support indigenous development of country specific programs. We recognize the uniqueness and power of local leaders serving within their own countries.

  • Stewardship

    We are committed to embodying sound Biblical principles in our programming, fundraising, and financial practices.

Our Financials

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information on 
our financials:


Click to view more financials in our annual report:

Annual Report

Our Team


  • Jeff Johnson


    Jeff transitioned into full-time ministry in the year 2000. Jeff and his wife Danette have spent years serving in various areas of compassion related ministry throughout Africa, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe. Under Jeff’s leadership, the IN USA team works to provide resources for ministry partners around the world

  • Rick Kamminga

    Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration

    Rick works to keep International Needs finance and reporting moving smoothly. His background in retirement community management and time as an INUS board member give him a unique set of skills to do this.

  • Jodie Arroyo

    Senior Vice President of Programs and Projects

    Jodie connects with our partners around the world to gather and track project and program details. If you have a question about a program or project, Jodie usually knows the answer!

  • Mark Ismond

    Chief Development Officer

    As Chief Development Officer, Mark leads fundraising efforts for International Needs, making sure the right resources are in place to reach people around the world to make a difference.

  • Terry Heyward

    Director of Strategic Partnerships

    Terry loves sharing the stories of what God is doing around the world. She connects our global partners with local churches to be able to more effectively partner with IN field ministries.

  • Chris VanRegenmorter

    Director of Finance and Administration

    Chris oversees accounting and financial aspects of the ministry, closely monitoring project funds to ensure that the resources needed are available.

  • Jennifer Dougherty

    Sponsorship Coordinator

    Jenn has joined the team supporting our child sponsorship program. With a fresh perspective and years of experience, she assists in all aspects of child sponsorships in all our partner countries

  • Beth Soper

    Administrative Assistant

    Beth coordinates and prepares all the fine details needed to keep the US office humming smoothly. With experiences both living and serving in the Middle East and Africa, Beth loves supporting gospel outreach.

  • Linda Postma

    Financial Data Entry Coordinator

    Linda processes all donations, receipting, and preparation of bank deposits. Linda has a background working many different non-profit roles, and has a passion to help those in need.

  • Leah Herbison

    Program Assistant

    Leah is assisting with programs and project management and reporting, as well as supporting International Needs child sponsorship programs around the world.

  • Carolyn Sigg

    Global Ministry Teams Coordinator

    Carolyn coordinates all of our global teams and mission trips from various churches and partners all over the world. She has a passion for organizing team experiences.

  • Tommy Doles

    International Programs Specialist

    Tommy supports programs and projects, focusing on monitoring, evaluation, & learning (MEL). He has additional roles in development. Tommy loves supporting our partners as they share Jesus' love globally.

Board Of Directors

  • Randy Sparks

    Board Chair

    Retired All State Insurance

  • Phillip Black

    Vice Chair


  • Teri Van Hekken


    Retired | Senior Vice President, IN

  • Rick Kamminga


    Retirement Community Managing Director

  • Mark Bleyer

    Board Member

    Retired CEO of Cook Biotech

  • Jim Barton

    Board Member

    Attorney and Investment Firm

  • William Verwys

    Board Member

    Retired Owner of a Trucking Company

  • Jean Parrish

    Board Member


  • Julie Williams

    Board Member and Past Chair

    Christian School Marketing Director

  • Matthew Lehman

    Board Member

    Financial Advisor

  • Dr. Robb Selfe

    Board Member

    Diabetes/Endocrinology at Corewell Health

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