Sponsor A Child

Where We Serve

We partner with local leaders in 18 countries who are performing life changing work within one of our service areas, Education, Health and Sanitation, Economic Development, and Food and Water. Your support makes it possible to reach more people around the world with a message of hope!


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A primary focus of ministry in Bangladesh is serving orphaned and vulnerable children. In areas of extreme poverty, children are at great risk of being abandoned, often leading them to resort to a life of crime and violence. International Needs is dedicated to stepping into children’s lives before this takes place, giving them a safe place to learn and introducing them to the accepting arms of a Father who loves them unconditionally. Child sponsorships in Bangladesh provide opportunities to some of the most vulnerable children of Bangladesh through education. When you sponsor a child in Bangladesh, you are making a critical difference in that child’s future! Many children from poor families are forced into child labor in Bangladesh. The drop-in center provides a safe place for these children to rest, eat a nutritious meal, and get some schooling.


  • 44 years worked together
  • 5 schools empowering children through education
  • 278,400 people reached last year

Burkina Faso

In the midst of danger and civil unrest, IN staff are dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout this predominately Muslim country in western Africa. Burkina Faso is home to 80 different people groups, 26 of which are unreached. Through education, a medical center, and evangelism crusades, the IN team strives the share the gospel with every person throughout the land. In Burkina Faso, it is estimated that only 41% of people over the age of 15 can read and write. One of the main barriers for children to receive an education is cost. Child sponsorship provides an opportunity for some of the most vulnerable children in Burkina Faso to attend school. Through child sponsorship, children will have access to education, food, medical care, and they will hear about Jesus. When you sponsor a child in Burkina Faso, you are making a critical difference in that child’s future!



In recent years, Colombia has experienced political turmoil and unrest. Armed conflict in some areas of Colombia has contributed to the displacement of over 2.5 million people, half of which are children. International Needs focuses on the La Playa area of Barranquilla, where many displaced families have resettled. Child sponsorships in Colombia provide the opportunity for a child to get a Christian education at La Rosa de Saron school. When you sponsor a child in Colombia, you are investing in a child’s future and letting them know that you care. The sewing center is a part of the IN Colombia ministry that provides employment for women in the La Playa community. Women design and sew things like school uniforms, dresses, and every day clothes to be sold all around the country and internationally.


  • 13 years worked together
  • 1,500 people impacted through ministry
  • 350 children attending La Rosa de Saron

Czech Republic

Czech Republic has a difficult history, with the effects of communism lingering in the hearts and minds of generations. As a result, a generation of young people is growing up disillusioned and apathetic. International Needs is focused on helping the country’s youth find the hope that only comes from knowing Jesus Christ. Through the Healthy Youth program, IN workers go into public school classrooms and share about topics such as gender issues, abortion and pregnancy, class behavior, and cyber bullying. These classroom presentations open the door for conversations about Jesus Christ. Because of support from people like you, Healthy Youth workers reached over 65,000 students in 2018 through school based interventions.


  • 26 years together
  • 3,000 Bibles distributed
  • 65,000 people impacted through ministry


News stories in recent years have shown the streets of Cairo as battle zones, but through the turmoil, Christians are gathering and praying. So while IN staff in Egypt live amidst danger and turmoil, they also see it as their mission to be right where they are, serving the Lord and showing His love in a place that desperately needs hope. When you support the training center, you make it possible for Christian and Muslim students alike to learn valuable skills such as English, computers, hairdressing, air conditioning repair, computer repair, and mobile phone repair. There are an estimated 50,000 children living on the streets in Egypt, and many of them are working on the streets to support their family. When you support this ministry you help provide a back to school event where each child receives a backpack, shoes, and school supplies. Your support for refugee outreach reaches the most vulnerable people through gatherings where IN staff share the gospel message of hope and bless refugees with food baskets, shoes, blankets, and personal hygiene items.


  • 22 years worked together
  • 57,395 people impacted through ministry
  • 1,500 backpacks distributed to children


Ethiopia’s history has been a difficult one. Years under Stalinist Marxism ruined the already weak economy. The Marxist regime persecuted the church as a whole, with evangelicals as a special target. Bloody coups, uprisings, wide-scale drought, and massive refugee problems have kept Ethiopia a country of immense poverty. Is there any good news in this sad story? Yes! Since the oppressive government was toppled in 1991, there has been unprecedented freedom for worship and witness. Your support of church planting makes it possible to plant new churches across the country each year. Through this ministry, thousands have already experienced Christ for the first time. Partnering with the Gedeo Kale Heywet Church of Ethiopia, International Needs aims to reach over 20 million people with the gospel.


  • 23 years worked together
  • 3,300 people received the gospel message
  • 6 evangelists sharing the gospel


People are born with great potential, but so much of that potential goes to waste as a result of the barriers of extreme poverty, deprivation, exclusion, disease, hunger, discouragement, and limited opportunities. When you support ministry in Ghana, you make it possible to reach out to communities, bringing hope to people and entire families by providing skills training and empowering the most vulnerable to make the most of what they have. Child sponsorships in Ghana provide opportunities to some of the most vulnerable children through education. When you sponsor a child in Ghana, you are making a critical difference in that child’s future! When you support church planting in Ghana you make it possible for a team of courageous men and women to work in hard situations to spread the love of Jesus Christ to their fellow Ghanaians. These ambassadors are uniquely positioned to address the needs of a community. When you support the Center for Empowerment and Enterprise Development (CEED), you are investing in the future. As young people from around the country gather to learn skills that will help them run their own businesses, the Lord continues to use this ministry to transform entire communities.


  • 33 years worked together
  • 20,250 people educated on child rights and protection
  • 3,000 people received medical treatment


The Sano Diyo (“A Little Lighthouse”) ministry in Siliguri was started in 2002 by Prasanna and Arpana Khaling who were called by the Lord to help young girls in the Siliguri area. They formed Sano Diyo home where 35 young women now live, safe from poverty and the risk of abuse and human trafficking. When you sponsor a child in India, you help reach out to some of the most vulnerable people in India. Child sponsorship provides an education for children who likely would not be able to go to school without assistance.


  • 40 years worked together
  • 35 girls rescued
  • 800 people impacted through ministry


Kibera is the largest slum in Africa, with over a quarter million people living in an area about 1.5 square miles. Residents of Kibera are extremely poor and simply cannot afford to buy or rent land that is “legal.” Because of its informal status, Kibera doesn’t have waste removal services or clean water. Open sewage runs through the slum, which adds human and animal waste to the water contamination problem and leads to many preventable diseases. It is estimated that up to 20% of Kenyans living with HIV/AIDS live in Kibera. When you sponsor a child in Kibera, you give them the tools they need to break out of the cycle of poverty. Basic medical care is provided for every child as well as a school uniform. Because of the gospel of Jesus Christ that is an integral part of their connection with International Needs, many children make a decision to follow Jesus. Saturday Bible Clubs provide a special ministry for children in Kibera. All are welcome to come for a time of Bible teaching, a nutritious meal, singing, and Christian nurture. Bible Club volunteers invest in the lives of these children, encouraging them and advocating for them so they can pursue their God-given potential. International Needs works to be an advocate for families in Kibera that are struggling with the basic needs of life. Staff members are out in the community assessing needs, advocating for children, making connections for resources, having important conversations, and praying with hurting people.


  • 13 years worked together
  • 600 children attending Bible clubs
  • 595 people receive monthly food baskets


In the Philippines, International Needs reaches out to people in need—children who aren't in school, struggling families, and impoverished communities. We seek to lift the less privileged from poverty, and to share the victory we have in Jesus Christ. Child sponsorships in the Philippines provide opportunities to some of the most vulnerable children through education. When you sponsor a child in the Philippines, you are making a critical difference in that child’s future! Your support for church planting makes it possible to reach more people in the Philippines for Jesus Christ.


  • 38 years worked together
  • 730 children sponsored
  • 2,920 people impacted through ministry


Thirty years have passed since the end of communism and Romania remains a young democratic nation. Romania is a land rich in agriculture, minerals, and oil, but the country was plundered, impoverished, and polluted under communism for the benefit of the elite. The revolution of 1989 brought Romania some of the great benefits of democracy: freedom of speech, the ability to interact with other democracies and cultures, new opportunities to evangelize, and the freedom to work together with Christian brothers and sisters to bring the gospel to the Romanian people. Certain rural areas in Romania are isolated and steeped in folklore, superstition, and witchcraft. These areas are the primary focus of IN’s church planting and village evangelism efforts. Church planters work in the midst of threats of physical harm from those who see the introduction of evangelical Christianity as competition in the power-struggle for control of these remote villages. The Wings program provides professional mentoring and training for Christian students with leadership potential. When you support Wings, you are impacting Romania’s future leaders! The Ark ministry reaches out with counseling and spiritual support for women, Christian playgroups for children, and a place for women to belong and connect with each other.


  • 27 years worked together
  • 20,000 people impacted through ministry
  • 100 pastors equipped to share the gospel


The International Needs Cinobana ministry has grown primarily through personal evangelism, with the gospel spreading most effectively among teens and young adults. The first few believers in this Roma community have started a groundswell of interest in the gospel of Jesus Christ.


  • 24 years worked together
  • 8,000 people impacted through ministry
  • 5,000 Christian devotionals given


Turkey remains the largest nation unreached by the gospel. The country of Turkey has a population of 80.8 million, and 99.8% of them are Muslim. Christian leaders estimate that there are around 3,500 evangelical believers in the entire country. The ministry in Turkey is focused on building up the believers by providing Bible study and discipling courses as well as training sessions for the pastors of local congregations who may not have formal seminary training. International Needs has an effective outreach to Christian children through a summer camp program and year-round activities that interface with over 25 churches in the Istanbul area. When you support refugee ministry you help to bring encouragement and relief to refugees. A pair of shoes, a warm blanket, clothes, food - these are shared with refugee families to minister to their bodies. Through this relationship, the IN Turkey team is uniquely positioned to share this hope with precious refugees.


  • 18 years worked together
  • 17,250 people impacted through ministry
  • 3,000 refugee families received aid and the message of salvation


Conflict in the north and west of Uganda and the ravages of AIDS and diseases like malaria have made life a struggle for many people in Uganda. In recent years, drought and famine have affected food prices and have made it even harder for rural families to earn a living through small farms. Even in the midst of these struggles, the Lord is working in the hearts and minds of the people in this beautiful country. Child sponsorships in Uganda provide opportunities to some of the most vulnerable children through education. When you sponsor a child in Uganda, you are making a critical difference in that child’s future!


  • 18 years worked together
  • 50,260 people impacted through ministry
  • 4 schools empowering children through education

United States

In the United States, there are many people, churches, and businesses wanting to make a difference in the world. International Needs is blessed to connect these passionate people, churches, and businesses with areas of the world where the Lord is moving in amazing ways. The Lord does great things through people working together, and you are invited to be a part of that through prayer, financial support, encouragement, and global ministry teams. Let's work together to make a difference in real people's lives!


  • 113 church partners
  • 2,608 supporters working together
  • 300,000 people reached with support from people like you


Vietnam is one of a few remaining communist countries. Christianity is seen as a foreign influence and Christians are viewed with a great amount of suspicion. Publication and distribution of Christian materials is restricted. But even in this tense and dangerous climate, workers continue to do whatever it takes to reach out and connect with hurting people.


  • 28 years worked together
  • 23,000 people received the gospel message
  • 705 people baptized


Zambia has been ravaged by HIV/AIDS, with over a million people living with HIV/AIDS in this impoverished country. This has left behind many orphaned children who have lost one or both parents and have nobody able to care for them. International Needs works to minister to these children and their families. When you sponsor a child in Zambia, you make it possible for a child to attend school and receive clothing, blankets, school books and nutritious food. Your connection with a child reminds them that they matter and that somebody half a world away is praying for them.


  • 34 years worked together
  • 600 people receive monthly food baskets
  • 55 children sponsored

Sponsor a child from:

Burkina Faso

  • Burkina Faso 11 years old


    I love to read and play hopscotch!

    About Fatimata

Sponsor a child from:


Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

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Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

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United States

Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

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Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

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Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

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Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

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Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

Sponsor a child from:


Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

Sponsor a child from:


  • Kenya 5 years old


    I love to read and draw!

    About Adrian

Sponsor a child from:


Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

Sponsor a child from:


Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

Sponsor a child from:


  • Ghana 5 years old


    I love to draw and play Ampe!

    About Ethel
  • Ghana 9 years old


    I love to draw!

    About Doris
  • Ghana 11 years old


    I love to read and sing!

    About Xorsenyo

Sponsor a child from:


  • Bangladesh 13 years old


    My favorite class at my new school is Bengali. I like to play the strategy game Ludu.

    About Sanjida
  • Bangladesh 10 years old


    I love to garden with my friends! I like art and the color blue. I like to eat meat.

    About Musfiq
  • Bangladesh 10 years old


    I love music!

    About Sweny

Sponsor a child from:


Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

Sponsor a child from:

Czech Republic

Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.

Sponsor a child from:


Thanks to our supporters, International Needs currently has 0 children waiting for a sponsor in this country. View all children below to sponsor a child in need from another country.