Dear Friends of International Needs,
That scripture in Matthew 5 so beautifully represents the impact of International Needs not only last year, but for the 50 years that International Needs has been in existence. In 2024 we celebrated 50 years of transforming lives and changing communities. While we enjoyed many beautiful celebrations over the year, my mind went to the future – building on our past for an even brighter future.
Thank you for sowing into International Needs this past year. You made a difference in this world and for eternity for so many around the world and I just want to say thank you.
The love of Christ is shining brighter today even though the world is getting darker. In this report, I’ve included a story of a boy named Wycliffe. His story exemplifies the impact of International Needs and gives testament to what Scripture tells us – that light pierces the darkness.
That truth continues to be lived out through the impact of International Needs. Here are just a few examples from our 2024 impact:
- 578,645 individuals reached by IN
- 358 vulnerable children given anti-trafficking education and/or rescue services
- 212,000 individuals heard the gospel message for the first time
Our founder, Ray Harrison, once said, “The best people to build the Kingdom of God in every country are the people of that country.” Then he went on to say, “And everyone must do something.”
That is what 2024 has represented. People in their own countries doing something on behalf of the Kingdom of God. A light piercing the darkness. In this report, you’ll see examples from across the globe of how this is happening. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a quick glimpse of the glory of God shining brightly around the world.
Jeff Johnson
President, International Needs US