Sponsor A Child

You Helped Many Experience the Light of Christ in 2023!

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Thank You for Helping Break Barriers for Jesus Christ

Dear Supporters of International Needs,

The global impact of International Needs (IN) in 2023 was incredible. Once again, we were able to increase the financial resources sent to our partners. And, not surprisingly, our partners turned that resource into incredible kingdom results!

In preparing this report, my thoughts were drawn to that iconic Scripture found in John 10:10:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

There was great hardship experienced by individuals across the IN Network. Real barriers to the gospel were broken and our partners turned the resources you provided into life-changing programs (all with a clear presentation of the gospel) and people’s lives were changed. They experienced the truth of that scripture. Here are just a few examples directly from the field.

  • As he looked around, he noticed our Bible Corner and started to read. “Sorry, but can I have an hour of privacy? This is my first time to see and hold a Bible; I would like to read it for a while.”

  • I met her on the street, where she was begging for money to take drugs. I brought her to a hotel and provided some food for her to eat. She asked, “Why do you love me?” I then shared about the love of God and the gospel with her. She accepted Christ as her Savior. She is healed of her addiction and her life has turned around.

  • In their first Saturday’s fellowship, Pastor Esther couldn’t hold back her tears when she received our support and welcomed over 100 children who attended the first Bible Club meeting and heard about Jesus, but also received a meal as an extra blessing due to lack of food and other essentials.

As you read this synopsis of 2023, join me in praising the Lord for His goodness, for His promises that rang true, and for thousands
of individuals knowing and experiencing
the reality of an abundant life found in Jesus Christ. It was an incredible journey. I can’t wait to see what unfolds in 2024.


Jeff Johnson

President, International Needs US