Gospel Outreach
A Hard-Working Mom Could No Longer Walk
Your support and prayers changed her life both physically and spiritually.
A mother named Monica was unable to walk on her own.
Monica was working hard to support her family by hawking small items at the side of the road near Sogakope. She became very ill and suffered a stroke which left her unable to walk.
You can imagine the desperation Monica felt. What would the family eat? How would they stay in their home?
One day, a couple of people from the new IN church plant showed up at Monica’s door. They told her about Jesus and invited her to church. And something in Monica’s heart leaped out. These people cared what happened to her – they were even praying for her!
Monica stepped out in faith and showed up at church. She began to learn more about Jesus. Monica and her children committed their lives to Jesus Christ. Monica was able to walk again! And today she serves at the Evangelical Family Church in Sogakope.
Thank you for praying. Your prayers and financial support made it possible for Monica to commit her life to Jesus!