United States
Refugees & Relief
Coronavirus/COVID-19 Updates
Here are the latest prayer requests from International Needs partners around the world. Information will be updated as it becomes available, so check back often.
Updates are alphabetical by country.
Prayer Requests:
- -Pray for people struggling with basic needs in Bangladesh. May the Lord provide a way for the staff of IN Bangladesh to share physical and spiritual food with these people. NEW
- -Pray for the psychological, emotional and physical well-being of all of the sponsored children after a being on lockdown for a long period of time. NEW
- -Pray for the children who live at Savar and Bethany Children's Villages. May God bring them all safely back once the lockdown is lifted. NEW
- -Pray for the staff of IN Bangladesh. May the Lord provide for them and their families and protect them. NEW
*Download Full Bangladesh Situation Report Here*
Burkina Faso
Prayer Requests:
- -Pray for the many people who are struggling to provide food for their families. Also pray for the Lord's provision so that the IN Burkina Faso team can continue to provide food baskets to families in need. NEW
- -As things begin to reopen, pray for the people being reached through ministries of IN Burkina Faso. May the ministries flourish and the message of salvation continue to spread. NEW
Prayer Requests:
- -Pray that people in the community will be curious about what the church is doing with Facebook Live and the Spirit will move them as they listen
- -Pray for families in La Playa who rely on daily wages from informal work to provide food for their families
- -Pray for wisdom for Martha and Jose as they continue to minister during this challenging time
*Download Full Colombia Situation Report Here*
Czech Republic
Prayer Requests:
- -Praise God that Healthy Youth workers can begin extracurricular activities with students. Pray that the students will be engaged and eager to learn. NEW
- -Pray that schools will reopen their doors to the Healthy Youth workers in the next few weeks. NEW
- -Because schools have been shut down, there are unexpected funding needs. Pray for new opportunities and God's provision. NEW
*Download Full Czech Republic Situation Report Here*
Prayer Requests:
- -Pray for the Lord's protection for people who don't have the things they need to survive. NEW
- -As things begin to reopen and staff are connecting with people, pray that more people will come to know the love of Jesus Christ. NEW
- -Pray that the IN Egypt team will have opportunities to follow up with people spiritually. NEW
- -Pray that God's peace would cover the staff and that they would be equipped with His power. NEW
Prayer Requests:
- -Pray that the evangelists would still have opportunity to share the gospel and that the hearts of the people would be open to hearing this message
Prayer Requests:
- -Pray that God's direction and wisdom rests on the education team of IN Ghana as they develop strategies for child sponsorship. NEW
- -Pray for God's protection and provision for all of the sponsored children and their families. NEW
- -Pray for God's protection for Peter and Samuel who are working to plant churches among the Chala and Kotokoli people. NEW
- -Pray for the vocational training students and faculty. May the Lord's presence be known to each of them. NEW
- -Pray that the church planters would have good health, safe travels, and joy for sharing the gospel. NEW
- -Pray for the staff of IN Ghana. May the Lord grant them a strong sense of unity and devotion as they work for Him. NEW
*Download Full Ghana Situation Report Here*
Prayer Requests:
- -Pray that Sano Diyo directors Prasanna and Arpana would be allowed to travel to visit community children and their families. NEW
- -The lockdown has caused Sano Diyo to postpone community outreach programs. Pray for the Lord's wisdom and direction as they work to reschedule these events. NEW
- -Pray for the Lord's protection on staff as they return to work. NEW
*Download Full India Situation Report Here*
Prayer Requests:
- -There has been a rise in domestic violence in Kibera. Pray that the Lord will bind evil from this place and His Spirit will afresh on the people. NEW
- -Pray for safety for all of the children in Kibera. May the Lord protect them from abuse, deprivation, and illness. NEW
- -Pray for daily encouragement for the staff in Kenya. They are responding to distress calls and heartbreaking situations. May the Lord strengthen and encourage them. NEW
- -Pray for creativity for the staff as they minister to people who are outside the scope of online ministries. NEW
- -Pray for the students who have been home and out of routine for months. When schools reopen, may they have a smooth transition back. NEW
*Download Full Kenya Situation Report Here*
Prayer Requests:
- -The Nepal - India border is open with many people going back and forth. Many Nepali people are fearful that this will increase the number of cases of COVID-19. Pray that the Lord would fill these people with His peace and that fear would diminish. NEW
- -Pray for the sponsored children and the Lydia students who are studying at home. Pray that the government will open schools soon so these students can continue in their training. NEW
- -Pray for safety and health for the IN Nepal staff members who are located throughout Nepal. May they find creative and innovative ways to continue connecting with students and community members. May the Lord encourage them as they are working tirelessly to encourage others.
*Download Full Nepal Situation Report Here*
Prayer Requests:
- -Pray for the sponsored children and their families as many of them have been greatly affected by the economic impact of COVID-19. NEW
- Pray for the areas of ministry in the Philippines that are trying to operate under strict regulations. Pray for creativity and innovation. NEW
- Pray for the child sponsorship staff. May the Lord grant them direction and sensitivity. NEW
Prayer Requests:
- -As the IN Romania staff are sharing food and medicine with vulnerable people, may the Lord open doors for them to have conversations about Jesus Christ. NEW
- -IN Romania staff are able to move forward with their summer VBS program. May the Lord touch the hearts of the children that attend. NEW
- -May the Lord fill the staff with His love and hope so that it will overflow from them in every interaction. NEW
Prayer Requests:
- -The JAC ministry center has been closed due to government mandates. Pray that the center opens soon as summer months are the busiest and this provides a source of income for the ministry. NEW
- -Pray for the new online ministries that have developed out of COVID-19. Many new people are taking part. May the Lord soften their hearts and draw them near to Him. NEW
- -As people have been in isolation for some time, pray that they do not lose faith. Pray for smooth transition as people readjust to life. NEW
- -Pray for the mental, physical and spiritual health of the IN Slovakia staff. Pray that they are sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading. May they be ready and equipped to serve the people around them and share the gospel message. NEW
*Download Full Slovakia Situation Report Here*
Sri Lanka
Prayer Requests:
- -Pray for staff as they are working to educate communities on prevention and safety measures related to COVID-19; may they share the love of Christ through these interactions
Prayer Requests:
- -As the team in Turkey continues to share the love of Christ with people, pray that their hearts are softened and the word of God can penetrate their hearts and transform them. NEW
- -Pray for the virtual summer camp. May the Lord call more people to volunteer and touch the hearts of all those that take part. NEW
- -Pray for the staff of IN Turkey as they press on to do work in the name of the Lord. May the Lord protect them as they face persecution and may He encourage them with His great love. NEW
*Download Full Turkey Situation Report Here*
Prayer Requests:
- -Pray for safety for the medical staff at the IN Uganda medical clinic. NEW
- -Pray for the safety of the children and teachers when they return to school. NEW
- -Pray for patience and flexibility for the staff of IN Uganda as plans continue to change per the government's directions. NEW
Prayer Requests:
-Pray for the weekly online evangelism services. May the message of salvation reach far and wide in Vietnam. Pray that the Spirit would be upon all who listen. NEW
- -A large children's evangelism event was postponed due to COVID. Pray that God will open doors and this event will be able to take place soon. Pray for the 400 children who are hoping to attend. NEW
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Pray for the community workers. May their faith remain strong and may they find creative, safe ways to spread the good news to unbelievers. NEW
Prayer Requests:
- -As the food supply is becoming limited, pray for the Lord's provision
- -Pray for wisdom for Pastor Kunda as he works to develop a plan to provide food for the families of Misaka with limited resources
- -Pray for sponsored children and their families
- -Pray for the IN Zambia staff as they adjust to the current situation