Encouraged and Empowered
How moms at the Mother’s Club are supporting each other and encountering Jesus Christ
Jane Sinko has been ministering to children and families for over 15 years through a Mother’s Club. In February, Jane offered a week long special marriage conference to encourage wives and mothers.
This marriage conference included seminars on parenting, as well as a strong presentation of the gospel.
Children were excited to be involved as well! During a special Valentine’s event, they made small gifts and encouraging messages to present to their moms. Mothers walked away feeling encouraged and empowered.
Recently, Jane was especially excited to welcome two coworkers from the Slovakian Office of Labor to the Mother’s Club. These two women were non believers and they were able to hear a gospel presentation during club activities. Please pray with Jane and the rest of the Mother’s Club that these two women would accept Jesus.
Another new ministry venture is centered on autistic children. Loving staff spend time with the children, doing fun activities. This gives parents a chance to be equipped with some of the skills needed to effectively parent an autistic child. Please pray for Jane and her staff as they continue to develop this ministry to meet the needs of autistic children and their parents.
Thank you for your support and prayers for Jane and the mothers she ministers to. Your support makes a difference to the whole team!