Sponsor A Child

United States
Gospel Outreach

Join Us In Prayer

Our partners are asking for your prayers.

Prayer Newsletter

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Can we pray tomorrow night too?

That was a question posed to Jeff and Danette Johnson in response to a prayer night held during the most recent IN Congress meetings held this May in New Zeeland.

Congress is a biannual event designed to bring all IN Country leaders together for a week of meetings and planning. It is also an opportunity for fellowship and encouragement.

On the Wednesday evening of Congress over 35 people gathered for a focused time of prayer for one another. Each person was prayed for specifically, felt the encouragement of their colleague’s prayer and experienced the tangible presence of the Lord. Everyone left encouraged and refreshed. So much so they all began asking that question; can we do this tomorrow night as well?

Our Country leaders believe in the power of prayer, they desire prayer and are greatly encouraged by prayer. They have been very vocal; in fact, it is what keeps them going under extreme circumstances. James 5:16 exhorts us that the prayer of a righteous person accomplished much.

At INUSA we want to live out that verse. In fact, we have developed a monthly prayer newsletter! highlighting 2 specific IN country ministries, each newsletter has specific focused prayer requests and answers to prayer.

Our partners are asking for your prayers.

Prayer Newsletter

Sign up to receive the IN prayer letter

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