Save a child from forced marriage or child labor
Educational Support
Save A Bangladesh Child
Your gift keeps a girl in school, where she gets an education, nutritious food, health care, and so much more. Will you make your monthly gift commitment today?
Your gift keeps a girl in school, where she gets an education, nutritious food, health care, and so much more. This relieves her family from the financial burden that often leads to early marriage.
In Bangladesh, girls as young as ten years old face the nightmarish reality of being married off to an older man. When this happens, a girl often suffers physical abuse and has children well before her tiny body is ready.
It may seem like a small amount, but your monthly gift of $25 will help save a girl from child marriage.
Your gift keeps a girl in school, where she gets an education, nutritious food, health care, and so much more. This relieves her family from the financial burden that often leads to early marriage.
Will you make your monthly gift commitment today?
Here’s what’s going on:
A girl in the Banasree area of Dhaka is at special risk of being forced into early marriage. Banasree is an area of devastating poverty and is considered a slum.
A young daughter living in this area is seen as a burden to her family.
She is expected to work, even as young as age six or seven. And she is married off as soon as possible so her family doesn’t have the cost of caring for her. School is out of the question because of the cost and lost income.
Whether a girl is at home or at work, not being in school puts her at risk to become an easy victim for sexual abuse and assault.
You can help change this heartbreaking reality!
Boys are also not immune to risk. They are often forced into bonded labor when school is not an option. The safest place for children in this situation is at school. And your monthly gift makes that possible!
Right now there are 75 children at risk, waiting to attend Banasree school
With your support, you will remove the financial burden from families so these children can attend school, eat a healthy meal each day, get medical care, and be protected from being forced into an early marriage. Your gift will also help boys, who are affected by early marriage as well.
You won’t be assigned to a child 1:1. You will be helping a child — many children in fact — but more of your support will go into providing what these children need rather than the logistics involved in a 1:1 sponsorship.
You’ll love getting updates with a story and photo of a child you have helped. And you’ll know you are doing what you can to make sure a child has schooling and the vital protection they need.
I don’t want one more girl forced to be a child bride or one more boy forced to work — I know you don’t either. Especially when there’s something we can do to stop it!
Thank you for doing whatever you can to help.
$25 a month protects one child and there are 75 children currently on the waiting list.
How many children will you help?
Jeff Johnson
Educational Support
Save A Bangladesh Child
Your gift keeps a girl in school, where she gets an education, nutritious food, health care, and so much more. Will you make your monthly gift commitment today?
Save A Child