Health & Sanitation
Water is Life
People in the remote community of Kanuwloe in Ghana are rejoicing over water!
Recently the Aquascape Foundation based in Saint Charles, IL sent a team with International Needs to install a rain water harvesting system in that Ghanaian village of Kanuwloe. This system has a capacity of about 25,000 gallons and will provide safe, clean water for the entire community.
The water system will store rain water during the rainy season and supply the school and community members during the dry season. A maintenance room with an ultra violet radiation filtration system filters all the rain water, making it safe for drinking.
Before the system was installed, the community depended on water from a nearby marsh land.
Water from this marshy area also served cattle and other animals, which led to contamination from feces and urine.
Community members struggled with dangerous illnesses that are now easily avoided with the safe water provided by the new system.
When clean water is easily available from the tap, such as in the United States, it can be easy to forget how vitally important clean water is. Put simply: water is life. We thank the Lord for His provision of clean, safe water for the community of Kanuwloe!