Sponsor A Child


With the gospel in one hand and compassion in the other, we partner with local leaders reaching their own communities for Christ. Together we strive to make an impact within our 5 service areas of: Gospel Outreach, Economic Empowerment, Refugees & Relief, Education, and Health & Sanitation.

Support Today

IN Partners are Breaking Barriers with the gospel

3.2 billion people have not heard or experienced the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are unreached because barriers or obstacles stand in their way. Breaking Barriers is a campaign designed to break those barriers. The campaign will mobilize and maximize the resources available equipping International Needs Programs to penetrate those barriers reaching as many individuals with the Gospel as possible.

Support Breaking Barriers

We empower leaders in their own countries to fulfill community needs within five service areas:

International Needs supporting local leaders making an impact

18 Countries
330,381 People

Current Efforts

Will you help provide clean water for a family in Nepal?

Clean water is so important, but right now children and families are getting sick and dying in rural villages in Nepal. All because their drinking water is unsafe and full of disease. The good news is you can help! Your gift today will provide clean, disease-free water for a family so they can be healthy and stop getting sick. But that’s not all - when you give today, your gift will be doubled up to $10,000 to help twice as many families. Will you give today to provide clean, disease-free water for a family in Nepal? Just $66 provides clean water for a family. We have met our goal, but we can keep going and provide clean water for more families!


Total Raised:$52,300.00

Goal: $52,300.00


Recent Impact

  • United States Gospel Outreach

    Join Us In Prayer

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  • Bangladesh Education

    Save a child from forced marriage or child labor

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  • Burkina Faso Refugees & Relief

    Terrorism Creates Crisis in Burkina Faso

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